When experiencing mouth swelling, it is important to get in touch with a professional as soon as possible. Doing so should present possibilities of counteracting the mouth swelling and reducing the level of damage which it could cause.
How do I know if my mouth is swollen?
Mouth swelling can initially feel like an alarming condition if not treated properly. When experiencing such swelling, it is important to get in touch with a professional who will be able to advise the best cause of action to counteract the mouth swelling as a whole.
Understanding the causes of mouth swelling can be just as important as receiving help as it’ll prompt the professional regarding the recovery.
Typical causes of mouth swelling
There are a range of reasons which may have initiated the swelling. Some can be treated by over-the-counter anti-inflammatories or other kinds which may need a professional’s touch.
- Allergic reactions
- Oral infections
- Trauma or injury
Symptoms of mouth swelling
There are a number of symptoms which typically happen when experiencing mouth swelling. These could include:
- Swollen lips, tongue, cheeks or gums
- Pain or tenderness in the affected area
- Difficulty speaking or eating
- Redness and inflammation
- Blisters or sores
- Foul breath or altered taste
- Possible fever if you have an infection
Effective remedies
In some cases, you may not need to visit a dentist or take a trip to A&E as some home remedies may do the trick of correcting the swelling. It is up to the person experiencing the swelling whether these are tried before seeking external help, however, if your level of mouth swelling is either;
- Causing difficulty with opening your mouth,
- Causes difficulty swallowing or breathing or
- Is close to an eye,
We would suggest visiting your nearest A&E department. If you’re not experiencing any of the above, you may want to try:
- Rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater
- Apply cold temperature such as a cold pack
- Over-the-counter pain relief
Feel free to explore a previous blog which we have created relating to whether you should visit an emergency dentist vs A&E: ‘When to see an Emergency Dentist vs. When to go to A&E’.
Visiting a dentist
If you’ve attempted a number of home remedies and haven’t had any luck, we would then suggest getting in touch with your nearest dentist or emergency clinic during out-of-hours.
A dentist will be able to identify the underlying issues which could have initiated the mouth swelling and can advise on the most efficient way of dealing with the issue at hand.
Here, at The 247 Dentist, we have the ability to organise video appointments if you’re unable to reach one of our dental clinics. During the video appointment, our professionals will be able to view the issue through the camera and can prescribe medicine for pickup at your nearest pharmacy, if needed.
When to visit an emergency department
As mentioned above, there are a few areas which are considered an emergency and visiting an A&E department would be necessary:
- Causing difficulty with opening your mouth
- Causes difficulty swallowing or breathing
- Is close to an eye
Issues like these have the ability to cause further problems or worsened levels of infections so Doctors would need to advise treatment where needed.
Get in touch
If you’re experiencing any form of mouth swelling, feel free to get in touch with your nearest emergency dentist to see our experts at the clinic or in video form.