How late in the day can I book a video dentist appointment?

Dental Health Advice

When needing some dental assistance, your first point of call would be to book with a dentist. If you’re unable to make it to a clinic, the option of booking a video dentist appointment could be the answer you’re looking for.

The benefits of a video dentist appointment

Being able to see a dentist without leaving the comfort of your own home is something many may dream of. The 247 Dentist now offers the chance to book video dentist appointments where our experts can identify issues and advise ways to proceed.

You’re also able to choose the perfect time for you which fits in with your day. Whether you’re looking for assistance during normal hours or out-of-hours, we’re able to help. The reason we’re able to open and be available during all hours is due to the number of supported locations and the high number of professionals who work alongside us.

If you’re in need of medication to counter the issue at hand, our expert dentists have the ability and correct accreditation to be able to prescribe medication. They’ll work with you in order to choose the correct medication required and organise the collection at the pharmacy of your easiest convenience.

What is covered during a booking?

Once you’re all booked in and it’s time for your appointment, you’ll be given the necessary documents to complete as well as the link to The 247 Dentist’s online waiting room.

Once you’ve joined the room, our experts will be able to analyse the issue at hand using world-leading encrypted video technology, allowing you to talk safely to our professionals.

As mentioned, no matter the time of day, you’re able to book a video dentist appointment. This allows for those who work nights, late, or early in the morning to receive the help they need. Offering this service allows us to be a leading practice in the UK for emergency dentistry.

How do I receive recommended treatment?

If you do require specific treatment or the dentist would need to carry out any form of procedure, it would require you to visit a dentist’s clinic in person. The video dentist appointment is primarily an examination.

If it is decided within your video dentist appointment that further examination and treatment in person are needed, we’ll work with you to get you booked in with your nearest 247 Dentist clinic.

If it is decided that medication should be tested ahead of needing further treatment, and it doesn’t fix the issue causing continued pain levels, we would suggest you book in with us at your earliest opportunity. To do so, phone 03301 759995.

Receiving your prescribed medication

We ensure that our professional dentists carry the appropriate accreditation is key for being able to assist clients further. We make sure that you receive the correct medication for your issue. Our professionals have identified, targeted and corrected many issues so have the knowledge needed to ensure you recover in the most efficient and safest way.

Get in touch

Feel free to get in touch with us today to book a video dentist appointment. We’ll examine, review and provide advice where possible. 

Alternatively, if you would like to explore our further levels of advice, our website has a dedicated area full of useful information for those looking for guidance.

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Our emergency dentists are available across the UK at a time that suits you.

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