Tooth Extraction Recovery Process

Dental Health Advice

Tooth extraction is a relatively common procedure for adults. Someone may need their tooth removed due to a gum or tooth infection, an overcrowded mouth and trauma or damage to the mouth.

After the procedure, you are likely to feel some discomfort or pain and perhaps some swelling but there are various ways to ease this with some home remedies and a bit of TLC.

The First 24 Hours

During the first 24 hours after having your tooth removed, you should expect some swelling and bleeding. If the bleeding becomes severe after 4 hours, it’s wise to book an emergency dental appointment; and if you have any of the following:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Fever and chills
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Discharge from the mouth
  • Shortness of breath

Painkillers will help to reduce any soreness and any further symptoms from occurring after the extraction.

Healing Period

Depending on which tooth you have had removed and the severity, the usual healing process is between 7-10 days. The most important thing to be aware of is keeping the blood clot in place, as dislodging it can cause a ‘dry socket’ which can be agonising. If your discomfort doesn’t reduce in 2-3 days, then visit an emergency dentist.

Tooth extractions can cause the remaining teeth to move and readjust to the extra space in the mouth. This can affect your bite, making it more difficult to chew (depending on where your teeth end up). You may be advised by your dentist to replace the missing tooth with dentures, bridges, or implants.

How to Reduce Further Pain and Swelling

  • Leave the gauze in for 3-4 hours after the procedure.
  • Limit your activity and rest for 24 hours.
  • Do not rinse, spit, or use a straw for 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours, rinse your mouth with salt and warm water.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • When sleeping, prop your head up with pillows.
  • Continue brushing and flossing your teeth to prevent infection but avoid the extraction site.
  • Eat soft foods such as: soup, pudding, yoghurt, applesauce and smoothies.

Wisdom Teeth

When extracting wisdom teeth, your dentist may advise that you go under general anaesthetic, to numb the area and prevent any pain. Our dental experts will determine this subject to a consultation based on your individual dental emergency and the requirements beforehand.

Tooth extraction treatments can be done when the patient is of any age. Although, it’s more common for young adults as they are growing into their new wisdom teeth. However, no matter your age, you can get your teeth removed if necessary.

In some cases, people may need stitches to close their wounds, but they will be removed in a week’s time. Swelling, bruising and pain can be caused by this – therefore the healing process may be longer. Usually, it takes about 2 weeks of healing time for wisdom teeth as it’s a longer, and more gradual process.

Recovery is different for everyone – just be aware that if the blood clot does become dislodged or infected, then the recovery process may take longer. So, keep clean and look after your mouth carefully. After a healing period of about 2 weeks, you will be able to go back to eating and drinking normally.

We Will Take Care of You

If you require urgent dental treatment, need a tooth extraction, or are experiencing severe pain and discomfort in wisdom teeth, book an appointment with our expert dentists. At The 247 Dentist we provide emergency dental care and out of hours appointments, so you can receive the right treatments without disrupting your daily routine.

Call us on 02382 355 553 for any further assistance or fill out our enquiry form.

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